Enhance your Maritime Security operations with state-of the art AI powered MDA platform MARAEN™ (Maritime Analytics Engine).

Smuggling & Piracy Analysis
Uncover Smuggling and Piracy risk associated with the vessels indulged in Ship to Ship transfers, loitering, rendezvous meeting at mid-sea.

MARAEN Automatic Speech Recognition
Unlock the power of AI driven insights of spoken truth with Automatic speech recognition feature. MARAEN-ASR incorporates a fully offline, best in class ASR Model for transcribing VHF Radio communications

Dark Vessel Activity Analysis
MARAEN™ is designed to detect vessels that have intentionally turned off their Automatic Identification System (AIS) to obscure their identity.

IUU Fishing Activity Analysis
MARAEN™ empowers authorities to predict fishing activities in near real-time, enabling informed decisions regarding the legitimacy of these operations.

Our Vessel Behaviour Analysis (VBA) feature delivers high-level, real-time insights into maritime vessel activity, enabling enhanced safety and awareness on the seas.
Vessel Behaviour Analysis

Radar Target Classification
MARAEN™ combines an AI powered Radar target classification to provide improved classification of Vessel types and enables the Maritime stakeholder to track the non AIS vessels for anomalies.